Finding a lot to place this house will be easy since there are two nearby lots for sale. One of these lots, located directly east, is a 1.2 acre tract listed at $89,900. The house is available for $1 with the cost of moving estimated at around $30,000. The renovation cost is estimated to be about $75,000.

There house has 3,400 square feet covering nine rooms and two baths. Some of the original architectural features include several original windows and original clapboard siding with a decorative dentil molding cornice. The side porch contains original sawn-work railing and porch post supports. The interior contains original woodwork, staircase, and hardwood floors.

The house has been vacant since 2006 and is located at 4002 Utica Pike. The area is residential and next to the Ohio River. Riverside Water Company, who owns the land, plans to construct new wells on the Jacobs farm site.



Greg Sekula

Indiana Landmarks


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