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Exterior of Historic Lester House
Hardwood Floor in Historic Lester House
Hardwood Floor in Historic Lester House

The historic Lester House needs a new location. It is a circa 1920, two-story, white stucco structure currently located at 1823 S. Florida Ave. The house is 3,825 sq. ft. masonry vernacular building.

The property belongs to the South Florida Avenue Church of Christ. The building was used as a parsonage for over 50 years. However, the church no longer uses the building. Since the house is within the Beacon Hill Historic District, demolition would require approval of a demolition application by the Historic Preservation Board of the City of Lakeland.

Although the house is free, any individual taking ownership of the home must cover all costs for moving the home to a new location.  One estimate for moving was $170,000 for the move with an additional $160,000 for installation and upgrades for a total cost of $330,000. Some of these upgrades include meeting code requirements for wiring and plumbing of the structure. Other requirements are obtaining approval from the City of Lakeland for the move and setback location on the new site. The house’s value by the Polk County Property Appraiser has been assessed at $178,000.

The church as no reported plans for the space left after the move or demolition of the house. Several people have expressed serious interest in moving the house.  One pending proposal from Gregory Fancelli, one of Lakeland’s best-known historic preservationists, would restore the house in the present location.



John McShane

South Florida Ave Church of Christ


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Emily Conklin Foster, AICP, MAHP

Senior Planner, Historic Preservation Board

City of Lakeland, Community Development Dept.


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