Eliminate excessive sweating in a week anywhere on the body
Nat Crane House - Front & Side
Nat Crane House - Upstairs Room
Nat Crane House - Upstairs Bedroom
Nat Crane House - Upstairs Kitchen
Nat Crane House - Upstairs Kitchen
Nat Crane House - Downstairs Bath
Nat Crane House - Downstairs Bath
Nat Crane House - Wood Beams
Nat Crane House - Wood Beams

A former sea captain, Nathaniel Crane was the original owner of this pre-Revolution Federal hip-roofed house built circa 1775. Once you pay for moving expenses, you can be the proud new owner. The features include a five-flue chimney, four working fireplaces, a beehive oven, six bedrooms, and a pantry.

An estimated cost for moving the structure is $100,000. This includes dismantling the house into pieces and reassembling the pieces at the new location.  This estimate may increase based on moving distance, renovation costs, and utilities reinstallation fees.


The house is located at 130 Center Street. Interested parties may arrange viewing appointments by contacting Bristol County Agricultural High School.  The house is in risk of demolition if no one rescues the house by April 2019.



Rafa Delfin, Co-Founder

Citizens Committee to Save the Nat Crane House

 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


House Tours:

Bristol County Agricultural High School
